Therapeutic Exercise

woman exercising

For comprehensive relief and healing from pain and injuries, visit Dr. Daniel Lewis and the team at Handcraft Chiropractic in Fort Lauderdale, FL, for therapeutic exercise and other chiropractic techniques.

Therapeutic Exercise in Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a field that takes a comprehensive, holistic approach to health and healing. It combines several effective techniques to ensure the full musculoskeletal system is healthy and functioning properly. Below, Dr. Lewis and the team at Handcraft Chiropractic in Fort Lauderdale, FL, explain why therapeutic exercise is included and the role it plays in your treatment.

The Basics of Therapeutic Exercises

Therapeutic exercises are not your average workout. They are not intended to help you “get fit” or shed excess weight – although those things can happen. However, the goal of therapeutic exercises is to restore and improve the function of the body.

Your chiropractor will recommend targeted stretching and strengthening movements, intended specifically to address areas of concern. For example, if you have injured your knee, these movements will help rebuild the soft tissue, decrease inflammation, and restore range of motion with the intention of achieving or surpassing your knee function prior to the injury.

Your exercises will be progressive, meaning that you won’t begin with an intense routine. They work with your current ability and level of discomfort, increasing as you can handle it.

Why Are Therapeutic Exercises Used in Chiropractic Care?

When you suffer from a musculoskeletal issue – whether it’s back pain, knee pain, neck pain, or anything in between – it doesn’t just involve the bones. It also involves the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues in the area. In order to fully treat the issue, all components must be addressed.

Additionally, therapeutic exercises build on other chiropractic techniques like adjustments. Adjustments help realign the bones, which decreases the strain on the soft tissues. Therapeutic exercises help relieve tension and treat other soft tissue problems, which relieves stress on the bones. By combining the two, healing can occur more quickly and comprehensively, increasing the likelihood of a favorable and lasting outcome.

Learn more about therapeutic exercise and how it can benefit you by visiting Dr. Lewis at Handcraft Chiropractic in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Call (954) 507-5158 to schedule your appointment today.

Additional objectives of Therapeutic exercise include:

  • Increasing mobility
  • Releasing contracted muscles, tendons, and fascia
  • Mobilizing joints
  • Improving circulation
  • Improving respiratory capacity
  • Improving coordination
  • Reducing rigidity
  • Improving balance

Therapeutic exercises are classified into three major categories:

  • Endurance training
  • Resistance training
  • Flexibility training

No matter what type of exercise is prescribed to remedy a patient’s specific condition, the final goal of rehabilitation is to acquire a maximum level of physical fitness, without the use of more invasive methods. Therapeutic exercise can be performed at home, and gives you the power to improve your quality of life.

Our Location

1234 Northeast 4th Ave, Suite B, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

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8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

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